Dear faculty and staff,

Your office computer is being upgraded to the Windows 7 operating system. Please find specific instructions below that require action on your part. Completing these steps is essential in making sure you do not lose anything you have saved to your computer during the upgrade.

Please complete the following by MAY 27th:

STEP 1 - Clean your computer desktop
STEP 2 - Backup your personal data
STEP 3 - Make a list of personal software on your computer
STEP 4 - Send an email to confirming completion of the above steps

Laptop users only

Please complete the steps while connected to the university network via the blue cable. Do not connect via wireless.

Step 1 - Clean your computer desktop

We recognize that users like to save items to their computer desktop for easy access, but this data is not backed up. For the upgrade, with the exception of shortcuts to programs and applications, please remove all files and folders from your desktop and move them to either your My Documents folder, your department shared drive, or your personal thumb/flash/USB drive. Files such as Office documents, pdfs, images, music files, data files, zip files, etc should all be removed from the desktop and stored somewhere else. Personal music files (MP3s) are not allowed to be stored in My Documents or department shared drives.

Once you have cleaned your desktop, empty your computer's recycle bin and then restart your computer. If you do not restart, the changes you make will not be saved.

Once you've cleaned the desktop, do not save anything else on it until after you have been upgraded to Windows 7.



Move files, folders, pictures, etc to your My Documents or personal
thumb drives. Empty your Recycle Bin and restart your computer

Make sure you only have shortcuts and applications on your desktop

Step 2 - Backup your personal data

If you have personal information on your computer's local drive (C drive), please copy this data to your thumb drive or disk. During the upgrade any data you have stored on the computer's local drive will be erased. Therefore, make a copy so you can put it back after the upgrade. If you are using My Documents folder only, this step does not apply to you, as My Documents will be backed up and reinstalled automatically.

Step 3 - Make a list of personal software on your computer

Our office will provide all of the software that we license, install, and support. It is your responsibility to make a list of the personal software that you have installed on your computer and reinstall it once your computer has been upgraded.

OTM will provide and install all standard software that we license and support.

You will need to make a list of your own software such as Yahoo Messenger,
Skype, MusicMatch,, Spider Solitaire, etc.

Step 4: Send an email confirming completion of the above tasks

Once you have finished the steps above, please email confirming completion. Please use the subject line: First Name Last Name: Windows Upgrade Prep Complete

NOTE: It is important that you follow and complete these steps. If you do not, it is more than likely that you will lose files during the upgrade. If you need assistance or have questions, please email us at or call x8524. We are ready to help and want to make the upgrade process as painless as possible for you, but cannot guarantee success without your participation and assistance.

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