The building consists of fourteen (14) floors of living space in single, double, triple, or quad rooms. Additionally mechanical spaces are provided for two (2) additional floors above and one (1) basement level. The building also consists of:

  • Café
  • Kitchen
  • Office
  • Social and lounge spaces
  • Conference and small meeting spaces
  • Laundry facilities

Two stairwells, Stair 1 and Stair 2, are provided which serve all floors of the building. In addition to the main stairwells, there is a stair which connects the basement kitchen area to the First Floor Café.

Move away from the building to avoid danger from falling debris and allow room for firefighters and their equipment.  Do not congregate in lobby areas or just outside the exit doors.

  • Individuals exiting from Stair 1, Stair 2, or the Lobby – Turn left out of the building and onto Court Street. Proceed down Court Street until reaching a safe distance from the building.
  • Individuals exiting from the Cafe – Turn right out of the building and continue down the courtyard to Court Street. Proceed down Court Street until reaching a safe distance from the building.

The primary assembly area for One court St is Washington Plaza.  Individuals exiting One Court Street should gather at the intersection of Congress Street and State Street, in front of 28 State Street, and wait for instructions.


Persons discovering a fire, smoky condition, or explosion should pull the nearest fire alarm pull station which will notify the Boston Fire Department that there is an alarm in the building. Fire alarm pull stations are located on each floor. The horn/strobe alarms alert building occupants of the need for evacuation.

To report any emergency on campus, notify Suffolk University Police at extension 8111, or 617-573-8111.


  1. In the event of a fire alarm activation, a signal will sound, followed by a pre-recorded message. Listen to the pre-recorded message and follow the instructions. In most situations only certain floors will be required to evacuate.
  2. Occupants should ensure that others nearby are aware of the emergency, and when directed to do so, exit the building by the established evacuation routes.
  3. Occupants should assist visitors, students, and others who are not familiar with the building to safely evacuate.
  4. All occupants should go to the assembly area and await further instructions from the Suffolk University Police Department or other emergency services personnel.
  5. All occupants should know where their primary and alternate exits are located, and be familiar with the various evacuation routes available. Floor plans with escape routes are posted throughout the building.
  6. Occupants must not use elevators as an escape route in the event of a fire or emergency evacuation.
  7. No individual is permitted to re-enter the building until advised it is safe to do so by the Suffolk University Police Department or the Boston Fire Department.


Some building occupants require assistance during building evacuation. Students who need assistance can voluntarily register with the Office of Disability Services located on the 7th floor of 73 Tremont Street. Their phone number is 617-994-6820.

Residence Assistants can help individuals needing assistance by directing them to areas of refuge (i.e. protected stairwells), and notifying emergency response personnel of their location. Transporting individuals with disabilities up and down stairs should be avoided except by trained emergency personnel. All individuals, regardless of their circumstances, need to take responsibility for their safety in an emergency, which means being able to move away from any and all hazards.

Reviewed byDate
Incident Support Team8/19/2015
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