Stata is a complete, integrated statistical package that provides everything you need for data analysis, data management, and graphics. Stata puts hundreds of statistical tools at your fingertips, from advanced techniques, such as survival models with frailty, dynamic panel data (DPD) regressions, generalized estimating equations (GEE), multilevel mixed models, models with sample selection, multiple imputation, ARCH, and estimation with complex survey samples; to standard methods, such as linear and generalized linear models (GLM), regressions with count or binary outcomes, ANOVA/MANOVA, ARIMA, cluster analysis, standardization of rates, case--control analysis, and basic tabulations and summary statistics.

The Business School subscribes to a limited quantity of Stata licenses. Please check with us for availability.

Stata Training

Stata offers convenient, web-based NetCourses for learning Stata. These courses are however, not free and require a small fee to be paid by the user or department. We are only providing a link to their NetCourses as a resource.

Go to to learn more about their online training.

Stata Support Website

Stata Resource Links